A resume is a marketing tool that aims to convey your relevant skills, education, and experiences for a specific position. The resume guidelines outlined below are tailored toward students studying Computer Science at a university (both undergraduate and graduate level) and pursuing U.S. employment. Some advice may differ for special circumstances, and we encourage you to get additional feedback from a peer, mentor, or coach after following these guidelines.

Here for the resources 👇🏾

Other topics covered

Common Resume Mistakes to Avoid

Tailoring your Resume

Cybersecurity Resumes

AI Prompts: Resumes

In this section you will learn:

  1. The basic rules and best practices for resumes
  2. Recommended resume sections and order for most students
  3. How to create strong bullet points and content within your sections
  4. How to tailor your resume for job postings
  5. How to get resume feedback

Basic rules

Recommended resume sections and order for most students

Strengthening bullet points:

Writing bullet points that convey the value of what you accomplished is one of the hardest parts of resume writing; however, taking the time to craft and refine your bullet points can make a huge difference in getting past a resume screen to an interview.

CodePath recommends using the XYZ bullet point formula (that Google also recommends!). It stands for “Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y] by doing [Z]”. If this seems overwhelming, just start with a really strong technical verb (pick your favorite from this list) and go from there!