Step 1: Identify your areas of focus for applications.

What types of opportunities will you be primarily applying for? Try to narrow down your focus to 2-3 areas within Software Engineering, such as front-end development, or iOS engineering.

Step 2: Research job postings.

Find a variety of job postings (current or archived), including full-time jobs from multiple industries and company sizes. Once you have at least 5, combine the information you’ve found into 3 lists:

Step 3: List out your skills.

Color code your skills into these 3 categories:

Step 4: Fill out a Venn Diagram.*&auth=LCA d1c2f613789012b21ec645adf8db9100f77965739255cc61bb7a66676bf612fa-ts%3D1692906493

Step 5: Fill out the Overlap of your Venn Diagram.

For anything listed in both the left and the right sides, list it in the middle.