Hirevue is a video-based interview that you can do on your own time in your own space. You’ll be presented with a question – either written or in video form – and be given several minutes to respond to each question. Most video-based assessments include between five and eight questions.
1) Interview Research & Preparation
The best two resources to start with are the Elevator Pitch Worksheet and Behavioral Interview Worksheet. These worksheets will walk you through common questions that could pop up in your behavioral interview.
Since this will be a recorded interview, you want to give yourself a lot of time to practice (try to set aside 30 minutes- 1 hour total to practice before submitting your HireVue)
We recommend practicing with either Zoom or Loom so that you can watch back a recording of yourself, practicing being recorded, and/or send your recording to someone else for feedback
According to Hirevue’s website, you could be asked the following types of questions:
Do some research on Glassdoor, Reddit, Quora, and other platforms so you can read about other’s experiences with Hirevue where others may have shared the specific questions they were asked in their HireVue.
You can review additional Hirevue interview tips here
2) Preparing Your Technology + Space
When choosing a recording option (iPhone, Tablet, Computer), make sure that it is sturdy so have your phone on a tripod or use your computer. (CodePath recommends a computer or tablet option over phone whenever possible)
Make sure that your device is charged and plugged in so there are no unexpected shutdowns or errors
The day of the interview, come 15-30 minutes early so that you can test your camera and microphone and ensure all is working properly
For any other questions that you may have, you can check out the Hirevue FAQ’s here.
Having a good space during a Hirevue interview is key to making a good impression during your interview because it shows that you are organized and forward thinking
In order to prepare your space for the Hirevue, you will want to find a plain background (preferably a wall) so you ensure that there are no distractions going on behind you! (make sure that there is nothing on the wall that may distract the interviewer from you and that no one is walking around in the background)
In addition to the plain background, you want to make sure that there is good lighting so that the people viewing your video can see you clearly without straining. This will also help them read your facial expressions more clearly and add a more personal feel to the interview.
Make sure the space and chair that you choose is comfortable for you since you will be in that position for up to an hour. If you can choose a chair that has a backrest that will be more comfortable and look more professional
3) After the Interview
After the Hirevue, make sure that you take a deep breath and CELEBRATE! You completed the HireVue and that’s amazing, pat yourself on the back!