As an early career software engineer who may have very little formal job experience, it’s so important to have a “place” online where you can showcase your skills, projects, and experiences to potential employers (evidence for your qualifications!). It can also help you stand out in a competitive job market by demonstrating your technical abilities and creativity. In addition, it can also be a way to show more of your personality, writing ability (if you have a blog), and professionalism.

Some students may opt to build their own personal website and other may feel that having an optimized GitHub (with thorough READMEs), LinkedIn, and/or blog (optional) is sufficient. The same principles for resumes & LinkedIn apply here. You want to think about your audience/user and ensure they’re able to easily find the most important information about you. See some recommend resources below on customizing your GitHub or building a portfolio website.

Just here for the resources! 👇🏾

<aside> 🛠️ GitHub Checklist


Using GitHub pages to build a portfolio website

How to create a stunning personal portfolio website for free

How to launch your personal website with GitHub Pages and Jekyll